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Wednesday, December 21, 2011


CaptchaTrader is the most affordable CAPTCHA bypass service you'll find!!

That's what it says on it's website. And it's true. You all know captcha right?

You people who downloads for free (especially you that trades(share) with pirates#aarrr!!!# ) should know it and know this, this muthafucka is very useful. Especially if you use MIPONY (file hosting download manager). Much like Jdownloader (if you know what that is). Really.. you got to have mipony and register the captcha account. and don't forget to download captcha plugins in MIPONY program. and the best of all, it support resume. Try it now..!!

Step by step (How to);
i. download MIPONY
ii.install MIPONY MIPONY
v.go to option>plugins>install more plugins CAPTCHA TRADER MIPONY PLUGIN
vii.install the plugins
viii.restart MIPONY
ix.go to option>plugins>install more plugins>option
x.insert your user name
xi.close the option box and start copying file host links from anywhere.

(for further info, read the sites i refer you to)

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