
"If you don't understand the message, it's not meant for you"
"If I'm wrong in any way, please correct me in any way"

-Ammar Zufar <-click to Google him!

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Monday, August 25, 2008


dis is 1 fascinating tv series iv eva seen. bout a very grumpy n misreable doctor who saves lotsof life. i cant say 4 sure wheter he's alwz rite or juz godamn lucky. cuz at d end of d day, he got al his puzzles solved..

This is Dr. House, of course u all heard of him, its also a noun..!!

1 comment:

honey said...

hi..iv bn into dis series since it first shows in axn.great n very entertaining indeed..its true sumbdy who alwys get answers will alwys b in pain..

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