
"If you don't understand the message, it's not meant for you"
"If I'm wrong in any way, please correct me in any way"

-Ammar Zufar <-click to Google him!

click here if the text is too small

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Streamyx Account Retrieval Tutorial - Uploaded

by : YOU!

Hi all,

As I mentioned before, I would not tend to individual request to acquire Streamyx login passwords. But I will still however distribute my tutorial on how to acquire it. Please refrain from requesting anymore password. Please download it here.

Step by step tutorial with images and pointers

Before you are trying to use the passwords, please make sure of the following;

  1. You are a resident of Malaysia.
  2. You have a DSL subscription. Your modem DSL/ADSL led will turn green if you do have it. If not, please contact TM.

The account/password may not work for the following reason;

  1. The owner have changed the password.
  2. The account is being used. If you're lucky, the account is capable of multiple logon.
  3. The account have been frozen/terminated.

It'll be better if you learn to acquire the accounts yourself once you have Streamyx internet. It's easier and more convenient. I wont be posting new accounts.


Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Throne of Iblis

There are tonnes of articles out there about the throne of Iblis. So why am I starting another one? I've been thinking for some times after I crossed an ocean of articles about Iblis throne, "Why is the throne of Iblis on water?".

"What's wrong with that?", you might think, but have you all ever considered what elements are the Iblis and "friends" are made of? If you are thinking over and over again about the relevance of the subject/idea, let me make it simple for you. I will summarize down a bit the story of Iblis. I won't be giving references as there a lot of them and most of them are fairly well known. Well, here goes..

The story of Iblis, a.k.a., the Devil, starts when God Almighty command every creatures to bow down to Adam. All except one, bow to Adam, and that is Iblis. He was one of the Jins(Genie). He said, "How can I bow to him when I am far superior than him? You(God) made me from fire, while he(Adam), from clay." So for that, he was labeled the "defiantly disobedient". He knows he ought to be punished, but he asked God to delay his sentences, so that  he can misguide Adam and his descendants(us). So God said, "Ok!". Then Adam was placed in heaven and was lonely and God gave him Eve as his mate. And Iblis make Adam and Eve commit the sins(You all know the story of the apple), and they were expelled from heaven yada, yada, yada...

The main point is, Iblis is made of fire. His throne was upon water. "How does he cope with that?", I asked myself. Then I seek guidance from Allah. I want to know what is with this picture. Then I go to work as usual, and google "Iblis's throne on water". Got a bunch of article but not one explain the "water" part. Then I read at a blog mentioning that a certain someone trying to deviate people from the truth and it doesn't matter one bit to me until I saw a quote from a verse of Quran:

Sahih International
And it is He who created the heavens and the earth in six days - and His Throne had been upon water - that He might test you as to which of you is best in deed. But if you say, "Indeed, you are resurrected after death," those who disbelieve will surely say, "This is not but obvious magic."

Many of you would think that the verse is talking about Iblis, but it is not. It's talking about how God created the heaven and the earth in six "days", and at that "time", his throne is upon water, which he use to test his "people" which of them that does the most deeds. Then I remember from a previous knowledge that is what exactly what the Iblis is doing with his "people" nowadays. If you don't know and must know, Iblis sits on a very magnificent throne and commands the shayateen(demons) to misguide humans. And whosoever manage to bring a list of most people misguided, shall be able to sit on the throne for a while and wear the Iblis's crown. Which totally explains why the Iblis's throne is on water even when he is "on fire"!

The Iblis is either using God's previously used throne or he is creating a replica of the throne to mimic the events. From my experience and understanding, that is a natural traits of the Iblis. He likes the attention(who doesn't?). From the case with Adam, the throne, and the stories of Jins and Shayateen and all the other gimicks, Iblis is not original, not creative, and he is just an Iblis. Then again, who is more creative than the Creator(God), right?

Damn you blog writer for knowing and exposing all this. I shall sent armies upon armies of my minions to make your life a lot more miserable than it really is.

Blog writer(me): That was creative(wink! wink!)! Salam.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Translation - - Detailed Quran

 To download the article below, click here(Untuk memuat turun artikel dibawah, klik sini).

This is my first fully checked translation of this site as per post title. This is only a direct translation with very few paraphrasing, just to fit the expression. I tried my best to keep the original article intact. This article is by no way a work of mine except only the translation. The idea relayed in the article is somehow aligned with my view and understanding of the Quran. I have translated the article to Bahasa Melayu(Malay Language)-Malaysia for the sole purpose of relaying this article to the user of said languages. No permission or credits needed to use and/or distribute this translation. With god permission, I relay the translation below;

Pernahkah anda cuba membaca Qur'an begitu sahaja? Bahagian manakah yang anda tidak paham? Barangsiapa yang membaca Qur'an dengan minda yang tidak berprejudis akan merasai betapa jelas dan tepatnya semua ayat-ayat dalam Qur'an. Qur'an itu lengkap dan mengandungi segala perincian yang perlu untuk agama. Sehingga kini, kamu mungkin telah dibiasakan dengan masyarakat majoriti untuk berfikir bahawa Qur'an adalah tidak lengkap dan memerlukan sumber sekunder seperti hadith dan kerja-kerja 'tafsir'.

"Dan telah kami turunkan Buku itu kepada kamu di mana ia mengandungi penjelasan yang jelas mengenai segalanya, dan petunjuk, belas kasihan serta berita baik kepada sesiapa yang berserah" (Qur'an 16:89)

Seperti apa yang ayat itu nyatakan, Qur'an menjelaskan segala perkara - bukan seperti sebaliknya di mana buku-buku lain diperlukan untuk menerangkan Qur'an - satu falasi yang banyak orang percaya. Allah menyatakan bahawa Qur'an itu lengkap, sangat terperinci dan menyeluruh:

"Perlukah aku mencari hakim selain dari Allah? Sedangkan Dia itulah yang yang telah menampakkan kepada kamu Buku yang sangat terperinci? (Qur'an 6:114)

Apabila seseorang individu berserah sepenuhnya kepada hakikat bahawa Qur'an itu sememangnya penuh dengan perincian dan apabila orang itu membebaskan diri dari segala keangkuhan dalaman untuk menerima kebenaran mutlak, dia akan mula sedar betapa banyaknya amalan yang terpesong yang diamalkan atas nama Islam. Individu-individu ini akan mula sedar bahawa banyak ketua-ketua agama yang menyebarkan kepalsuan mengenai ayat-ayat Qur'an untuk menjustifikasikan amalan-amalan yang terpesong dan jahat itu yang kadang-kadang sungguh bertentangan dengan intipati Qur'an, melanggar ayat-ayat yang jelas dan etika am Qur'an. Dan sememangnya hanya dengan hati yang luhur dapat kita sedar betapa uniknya kesempurnaan Qur'an ini. Individu tersebut juga mula akan sedar betapa dekatnya Allah sepertimana yang tidak pernah dia rasakan sebelum ini bilamasa dia mula menerima panduan terus dari Allah.

"Katakanlah: "Tuhanku telah memandukan aku ke jalan yang lurus, sistem yang tegak(benar), kepercayaan Ibrahim yang tegak(benar); dia(Ibrahim) bukannya dari kalangan yang menduakan(tuhan)." (Qur'an 6:161)

Barangsiapa yang berhajat untuk mencari sumber selain dari Qur'an akan memberi alasan yang klise seperti 'macam mana kita tahu bagaimana untuk bersembahyang, atau banyak mana hendak berzakat?', kadangkala sebelum dia membaca Qur'an itu sendiri walaupun sekali! Qur'an itu sebenarnya telah menjawab segala persoalan itu - masalah yang sebenarnya apabila dia tidak pernah melihat ke dalam Qur'an itu sendiri untuk mendapatkan jawapannya. Dia telah di pra-programkan untuk melihat Qur'an itu sebagai sesuatu yang mistikal, buku suci berkriptik, yang susah untuk difahami sebelum mengetahui sumber lain seperti hadith. Maka Ia cuma boleh diinterpretasikan oleh "ulama-ulama". Justeru itu, sumpahan ke atas individu ini membawa dia kepada:

1) Mengikuti amalan songsang yang tidak ada dalam Qur'an.

2) Dia tidak akan mengetahui gaya hidup sebenar, etika dan ketaatan kepada Allah sahaja kerana dia tidak mendapat petunjuk darripada Qur'an itu sendiri.

3) Dia tidak ada pendapat atau deduksi intelektual daripada analisis ayat-ayat(Qur'an) - dia cuma mengulangi apa yang dia baca dari buku-buku tafsir, dan buku-buku ini shajalah yang menjadi rujukan utama kepada Qur'an, yang kebanyakannya dipenuhi dengan kata-kata orang yang mendengar kata dan maklumat palsu yang tidak langsung memberi banyangan sebenar maksud-maksud ayat-ayat(Qur'an).

"Katakanlah, 'Aku tidak berkata kepada kamu bahawa aku mempunyai harta-harta Allah, dan tidak pula aku tahu apa yang ghaib, atau berkata aku bahawa aku ini malaikat. Aku cuma mengikut apa yang telah di tunjukkan kepadaku sahaja.'" (Qur'an 6:50)

4) Pandangan dia terhadap agama berasaskan segala amalan majoriti. Dia juga mempunyai hadith yang menunjukkan majoriti orang itu benar walhal Qur'an menyatakan majoriti adalah dalam kesalahan (6:116).

5) Dia cuma berminat dengan diskusi mengenai apa sahaja selain dari ayat-ayat Qur'an, yang membuatkannya terkeluar daripada Qur'an - tetapi dia masih menipu diri untuk berfikir bahawa belajar mengenai buku-buku itu menyamai mengikuti ajaran Islam. Dia mencari beberapa ayat-ayat Qur'an yang digunakan di dalam buku-buku tersebut dan berfikir bahawa tafsiran-tafsiran itu adalah benar sebab penulis buku itu "berkelayakan" tetapi dia tidak. Ini terjadi walaupun Allah menyatakan Qur'an itu adalah petunjuk untuk dia dan dia bertanggungjawab mengikuti ajaran ayat-ayat Qur'an secara terus:

"Telah kami turunkan kepada kammu satu Buku yang mengandungi mesej. Tidakkah kamu paham?" (Qur'an 21:10)

"Dia yang telah menunjukkan Qur'an kepada kamu akan sememangnya membawa kamu pulang semula. Katakanlah, 'Tuhan aku paling mengetahui sesiapa yang telah membawa petunjuk yang benar dan sesiapa yang dengan terangnya telah disalah tunjuk." (Qur'an 28:85)

Salah satu hujah yang akan ditampilkan ia ialah bahawa seseorang harus tahu buku-buku hadith sebelum memahami Qur'an untuk menerangkan lagi ayat-ayat atau memperkembangkan lagi bahagian di mana dia rasa kurang jelas. Seperti yang dijelaskan, mengikut cara ini, dia akan memasuki dunia sumber sekunder yang bersepah dengan ajaran tidak berlandaskan Qur'an dan pandangan rambang kepada agama. Allah menyatakan bahawa tafsiran Qur'an itu ada dalam Qur'an itu sendiri. dalam perkataan lain, Qur'an itu menerangi dirinya sendiri:

"Telah Kami bawakan kepada mereka Kitab - Telah Kami terangkan mengenai asas ilmu - sebagai petunjuk dan belas kasihan untuk sesiapa yang percaya." (Qur'an 7:52)

"Inilah cara Kami menerangkan wahyu-wahyu kami dalam pelbagai cara" (Qur'an 6:105)

"Lihatkah anda bagaimana Kami menerangkan wahyu-wahyu, supaya mereka dapat memahami." (Qur'an 6:65)

"Seperti inilah Kami menerangkan Wahyu-wahyu kepada orang yang berfikir." (Qur'an 10:24)

Itu adalah, seperti yang telah Allah terangkan di dalam Qur'an apabila Dia berkata, "Telah kami terangkan", bukan nabi, atau orang disekeliling nabi dan penerangan ini adalah jelas untuk orang yang mentelaah ayat-ayat(Qur'an) itu, "untuk orang yang berfikir.".

Orang yang belum benar-benar percaya atau berserah kepada Allah mengikut taraf yang diperuntukan oleh Qur'an sepertimana itu dia tidak lagi memperkembangkan dirinya dengan ajaran-ajaran dari Qur'an. Hubungan 'sikap kepada Qur'an' dengan 'kesetiaan kepada Allah' telah diterangkan dalam ayat 7:52 di atas, dimana ia menyatakan bahawa Allah sendiri yang menerangkan ayat-ayat(Qur'an) tersebut, dan Dia membuatkan petunjuk dan belas kasihan itu untuk sesiapa yang mempercayaiNya.

Qur'an mengandungi segala maklumat yang benar mengenai agama dan adalah petunjuk untuk individu-individu.
Tetapi kebanyakan orang, kurang mengetahui mengenai Qur'an.

"Telah Kami turunkan Peringatan tersebut dan akan Kami menjaganya" (Qur'an 15:9)

Sememangnya, ia diikuti: apakah gunanya melindungi Qur'an daripada korupsi, jika ia bermaksud cuma boleh dicapai melalui sumber yang boleh dikorupsikan, seperti kerja-kerja hadith yang diperkembangkan antara 200 hingga 700 tahun selepas kewafatan Nabi? Tidak ada gunanya sebab ini akan megalahkan tujuannya. Oleh sebab itu, ia cuma akan lebih masuk akal untuk kenapa Allah menyimpan interpretasi Qur'an di dalam Qur'an itu sendiri, seperti apa yang Allah telah nyatakan di dalam ayat-ayat berikut:

"Alif Lam Ra. Ini adalah tanda-tanda dari kitab, dan Qur'an yang jelas." (Qur'an 15:1)

Allah telah membantah kepada mereka yang tidak ada perkara yang lebih baik untuk dibuat selain daripada menulis dan mengikut buku-buku melebihi apa yang telah Dia sampaikan:

"Adakah patut Kami melayan orang yang telah menyerah sama seperti penjenayah? Apakah yang tidak kena dengan kamu, bagaimanakah kamu menghakim(memberikan pengadilan/menilai)? Atau kamu ada buku lain yang kamu pelajari? Di dalamnya kamu dapati apa sahaja yang ingin kamu jumpa?" (Qur'an 68:36-38)

Tidak terdapat apa-apa arahan dari Qur'an untuk mengikuti mana-mana buku selain dari Qur'an. Sudah tentunya kita ada amalan seperti solat dan haji. Walaubagaimana pun, ini tidak menjustifikasikan menerima ketidaksinambungan ajaran-ajaran berbanding Qur'an, atau mengambil sikap di mana seseorang itu tidak mengkaji Qur'an itu secara terus sendirian. Solat dan haji adalah amalan-amalan hidup untuk orang yang percaya(beriman). Orang yang percaya(beriman) mesti menerima Qur'an sebagai petunjuk dan melepaskan element-element bukan Qur'an, bila berlakunya sedemikian. Ada orang yang mempersoalkan di mana di dalam Qur'an amalan-amalan ini di ajar. Amalan-amalan ini adalah amalan-amalan yang hidup di kalangan kita, sepertiman kita belajar memasak, memandu kereta dsb. dari orang lain.

Sebagai peraturan am, semua amalan-amalan adalah sah selagi ia berkadaran dengan nilai-nilai, etika dan prinsip dari Qur'an. Meskipun ramai orang yang akan bersetuju dengan penyataan ini, tetapi secara praktikalnya tidak begitu - bila banyak amalan dan pemikiran orang yang mencabuli Buku Allah. Bagaimana seseorang boleh mendapatkan paiwaian yang selari dengan hukum Qur'an jika dia tidak mengkaji Qur'an itu secara terus? Seseorang itu pada mulanya harus memahami Qur'an untuk menghakimi segala yang dilihatnya. Tetapi, jika orang itu kekal dengan pemahaman yang Qur'an itu perlu dipahami dengan melibatkan dan menerima saluran luar melalui apa yang digelar mereka "orang terpelajar" dan tidak mengendahkan penyataan Qur'an bahawasanya Ia menerangi sendiri(ayat-ayatnya), maka dia telah pun menerima perkara yang mana sepatunya dihakimi(dinilai) oleh Qur'an itu sendiri dan akan mempunyai konsep pemahaman dan prapenilaian Qur'an yang begitu kabur(dicemari). Seseorang harus membina keimanan yang benar pada Allah menerusi pemahaman dari Qur'an sebelum membuat apa-apa benda lain.

"Orang yang percaya(beriman), jika minda kamu dipenuhi dengan pemikiran mengenai Allah, Dia akan memberikan kamu darjat, dan membersihkan kamu dari dosa dan memaafkan kamu. Pemberian Allah sudah tentunya sangat besar." (Qur'an 8:29)

Barangsesiapa yang berhajat untuk mengalihkan orang dari Kitab yang diturunkan Allah cuma mempunyai taktik mengambil beberapa ayat-ayat dan memutarbelitkan ikut sesuka hati mereka. Putar belit itu adalah sangat jelas kepada pengikut sebenar Qur'an - kebenaran tidak dapat ditundukkan kepalsuan.
"Kata-kata tuhan kamu adalah lengkap dengan kebenaran dan keadilan. Tiada apa yang boleh mengubah kata-katanya - Dialah yang maha mendengar, maha - mengetahui. Jikalau kamu mengikuti kebanyakan yang dari bumi, mereka akan membawa kamu pergi dari jalan Allah. Mereka mengikuti tiada apa kecuali spekulasi semata-mata - mereka cuma meneka." (Qur'an 6:115-116)

Haruslah diingat bahawasanya pada dua kurun pertama Islam, tiada buku-buku hadith ataupun buku-buku tafsir. Ia ditulis teramat kemudian apabila larangan nabi terhadap penulisan hadith-hadith beliau dimansuhkan. Pada dua kurun tersebut, umat Islam menjalankan semua kewajipan seperti termaktub dalam Qur'an. Zaman itu dipenuhi dengan hadith-hadith palsu dan penipuan yang dikemukakan ke atas nabi tetapi ini tidak menghalang umat Islam untuk menuruti arahan-arahan dari Qur'an. Kalifah pada masa itu (Abu Bakar dan Umar) mengharamkan penulisan hadith sepertimana arahan nabi dan ajaran Qur'an semasa mereka masih hidup.

"Telah diturunkan Kitab ini kepada kamu - biarkan tiada keresahan didalam hati kamu mengenainya - supaya kamu boleh menggunakan ia untuk memberi amaran dan memperingati orang yang percaya(beriman): 'Ikutilah apa yang telah diturunkan kepada kamu dari tuhanmu! Jangan kamu mengikuti apa-apa tuan selainNya. Berapa kerapkah kamu menelitinya!'" (Qur'an 7:2)

"Tugas penyampai(rasul) adalah untuk menyampaikan mesej: Allah mengetahui apa yang kamu nampakkan dan apa yang kamu sembunyikan." (Qur'an 5:99)

"Dan dengan ini kami menerangkan lagi ayat-ayat supaya mereka(orang kafir) boleh berkata: 'Kamu telah belajar', dan kami permudahkan untuk orang yang tahu." (Qur'an 6:105)

Kebanyakkan orang Islam sekarang tidak sedar apa yang disampaikan Qur'an mengenai kocsep keimanan dan membawa pelbagai pendapat mengenai Qur'an yang terpesong dan palsu disebabkan mereka tiada ilmu terus dari ayat-ayat(Qur'an). Tidak pelik apabila Allah memberitahu kenyataan nabi Muhammad pada hari pembalasan:

"Dan kata penyampai(rasul), 'Tuhanku, umat-umatku telah meninggalkan Qur'an ini'" (Qur'an 25:30)

Pada, seseorang boleh mendapat capaian kepada ayat-ayat yang telah ditanam berkurun-kurun dengan maksud yang songsang. Juga terdapat bangkangan terhadap ayat-ayat tersebut, yang mana badan-badan agama gunakan dalam cubaan mereka untuk membuktikan keperluan untuk menggunakan sumber-sumber lain, untuk membawa orang jauh dari Qur'an yang sebenar-benarnya dan menghalang mereka daripada berfikir mengenai Qur'an. Dalam semua kes-kes tersebut, tafsiran mereka tidak menggambarkan apa yang disampaikan Qur'an. Sesiapa yang berhajat untuk mengikut petunjuk Qur'an berbuat demikian mengikut kelebihan masing-masing.

“Adakah mereka mahukan penghakiman seperti pada zaman jahiliah? Adakah terdapat hakim yang lebih baik dari Allah untuk orang-orang yang kuat kepercayaannya(imannya)? (Qur’an 5:50)

“Adakah kamu telah mempertimbangkan mereka yang telah disuruh untuk menerima pengadilan dari buku Allah? Bila mereka disuruh untuk menerima pengadilan dari buku Allah, sesetengah daripada mereka berpaling dan berjalan pergi!” (Qur’an 3:23)

“Manusia dahulunya adalah satu komuniti, kemudian Allah menghantarkan nabi-nabi untuk membawa berita baik dan juga amaran, and dengan mereka(nabi-nabi) Dia hantarkan Buku yang mengandungi kebenaran, untuk mengadili orang-orang yang dalam persengketaan. Hanya kepada dia yang telah diberikan, selepas mendapat ayat-ayat yang jelas kepada mereka, disebabkan oleh permusuhan antara mereka. Jadi, dengan izin Allah, Dia telah memberikan petunjuk kepada orang yang percaya(beriman) tentang kebenaran perselisihan mereka itu. Allah member petunjuk kepada sesiapa Yang dia mahu ke jalan yang lurus.” (Qur’an 2:213)

“Ini juga adalah Buku yang diberkati, yang telah Kami turunkan – ikutlah ia dan sedarlah akan tuhanmu, supaya kamu boleh mendapat belas kasihan – melainkan kamu berkata, ‘ Buku-buku telah diturunkan kepada dua komuniti sebelum kami: kami tidak sedar apa yang telah mereka belajar’, atau ‘Kalaulah Buku itu telah diturunkan kepada kami, kami akan mendapat petunjuk yang lebih baik dari mereka.’ Sekarang, tuhan kamu telah membawa kepada kamu bukti yang jelas, petunjuk dan belas kasihan. Siapa yang boleh menjadi lagi salah dari orang yang menolak Wahyu Allah dan berpaling darinya? Kami akan memberikan balasan kepada mereka yang berpaling dari ayat-ayat Kami dengan siksaan yang amat sakit.” (Qur’an 6:155-157)
“Dan Kami membuat Qur’an itu mudah dipelajari. Adakah kamu ingin pelajarinya?” (Qur’an 54:17)

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Harlem Shake!

Don't do the Harlem Shake anymore. Sick of it. Funny, but sickening still. Back on topic. Today is the day the Parliament has been disbanded(in Malaysia of course!) . So just to prove my love for my country, I'm going to write a little something about it. I have concluded it all here. So now, I just want to elaborate more on the quotation that I gave there.

From the;

I just want to comment on the 15th ayat of the particular surah which state that:
Whoever is guided is only guided for his soul. And whoever errs only errs against it. And no bearer of burdens will bear the burden of another. And never would We punish until We sent a messenger.
From my experience, the word "soul" in this context is referring to the current personality state that we are in, or in other word, our current consciousness. And the "guidance" that is bestowed upon it, is specifically upon it. And thus, the responsibilities of the "guidance" that it bear is specifically for it. And whoever that is relinquished from the "guidance" shall not be held responsible for their lack of "guidance". In layman's words, stupid people is stupid and only does stupid stuff, while the smarties will do "smartstuff".

It continues to state that no bearer of burden will bear the burden of another. The verse is very clear but most can still fail to interpret it properly. So, here goes my interpretation. I'll start by giving an example;

  1. 1kg burden has been assigned to "donkey A" by the manager.
  2. A "stupid" loader(worker) failed to understand the assignment load the 1kg burden onto "donkey B".
Whose burden is the 1kg load is? Most of the people would simply say that if it is assigned to "donkey A" it is it's burden.

But hey! The burden is carried by "donkey B". So "donkey B" is the carrier of the burden. Thus, effectively the burden of 1kg is actually  "donkey B"'s burden. Plain and simple. That is what it meant that you can't carry others load or burden. Even if the manager had assigned the load to "donkey A", god already assigned the load to "donkey B", so only "B" can owned it and lift it.

So, to put that in use within our community, when you are doing something for "someone", that is "your" job, and not that "someone's" job. Name it "load", "burden", "loan" etc., if you feel pain for it, be proud to say it's yours.

And the verse continue, "We will never punish until we sent a messenger..". Most people will translate that the "rasool" or messenger is the one of the many prophets. They may be right. But is it only limited to that? If the postman deliver a letter to you, isn't he a messenger? Your cellphone(sms/chat apps/call)? Isn't your friends or family that warns you about anything not a messenger? I don't really care about the facts laid down by people much, but if I'm guided to do something, it is a guidance from god(whoever the messenger is). Like Eddie Griffins said once;
It doesn't matter whose the messenger is, did you get the message?

So with that said, when you consciously realized that you are being punished, know that you have been warned!

So on with the next verse[];

And those who disbelieve say to those who believe, "Follow our way, and we will carry your sins." But they will not carry anything of their sins. Indeed, they are liars. But they will surely carry their [own] burdens and [other] burdens along with their burdens, and they will surely be questioned on the Day of Resurrection about what they used to invent.
The verses of the Quran is then again, clear and sufficient. But it is God who made the "Ghaib", well, "Ghaib". The above verses mentioned of three factions that is relevant to my current discussion. The "believer", the "unbeliever" and the "(stupid-ass-ignorant)follower". Mind my emotion, if you may(I don't care if you don't). You all have your own sets of beliefs, right? Then come this "Mr. Right" trying to convince you that you are in the wrong, follow him and everything's going to be alright. You won't be alright if you are still following. Why would you need to follow others when God is actually is very close to you;
And We have already created man and know what his soul whispers to him, and We are closer to him than [his] jugular vein. 

Follow God for it is only He that can steer you away from mistakes (such as making loans when you don't need any). Yes. Indeed they are all liars. Are you still surprised? Human lie(a lot).

And finally come to the part of the verse that is very clear still but many are confused with;
But they will surely carry their [own] burdens and [other] burdens along with their burdens

Many people are mistaken to say that this verse contradict the earlier verse above when god says that no bearer of burden shall carry other's burden when in fact that this verse simply reinforced the verse mentioned.

Like I have explained earlier, when someone carry other burden, that burden is theirs. that is self explanatory. But it doesn't stated in the verse above that "they" will carry "other's" burden, it says "other" burden, if you may please notice the "'s" is missing. Meaning that that "they" will carry an "unassigned" burden, not the burden of others. So effectively, "carry own burden". So with that said, I think I've carried my burden enough, for now, now you all can carry on carry your own burden.

BTW, if you don't understand why I named this post "Harlem Shake", other than trying to net in the tag's popularity, the worlds is actually like that harlem shake, one minute you see someone act "crazy", the next minute you realize that everybody's crazy, including yourselves.

Good luck and salam.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

I AM LAZY mode initialized..

Got a lot of great ideas on what to write but as the title of the post.. All the articles are written a few lines and then, goes to draft. Start a new idea - draft. The next idea - draft. When the spirit of writing will come back? Maybe if I got my own laptop back (the laptop just "beep" and "blank")? Nothing last forever eh?

Saturday, December 29, 2012

The Real Satan

This text contains knowledge that is implicit in nature. If you don’t want your feelings to be stirred, dreams broken, and bubble burst, stop reading. If you’re fine with that, carry on, my wayward son!

The Real Satan

"He" May Not Actually Be As What You're Made To Believed 

From when human first learn to understand “words” and “speeches”, that is when human are more prone to be guided, or be “guided” by creatures and beings that human may or may not understands, beings, which may their very existence, be doubted or very so, unrealized. They may be real, and yet, they may not. Thus, this begs for the word “real” itself to be redefined, as so, all the other words that born from the human tongue. Is it not that the words should have brought the human minds to peace and serenity? Or is it actually a weapon of mass destruction? What is occurring to you now is merely just an event to “show” you that we are being blinded by the “lights”, that we thought are guiding us to peace, but the peace that we seek did not seem to come by.

What do I mean by “real”? 
What do I mean by “guide”? 
What do I mean by “light”? 
What do I mean by “creatures” and “beings”?

Or just simply maybe,

What do I mean by “peace”?

That may or may not be the questions that come up your mind at this very particular moment. It somehow does and does not matter to me, or you, or anyone, or any beings. Just a thought that seems to pass by. What if I ask you another question that starts with, “What if..?”. When will I ask you the question that starts with, “When..?”.  Have you ever wondered?

You should already been treated with that kind of questions every days of your life. You even treated yourselves with that similar treatment. Why are you doing that? The power of “if” and “when”. It’s like a dream.

Do you dream? 
Do you believe in your dreams? 
Are dreams real?

Let us just leave it like that.

When you grow up, would you be groaned up? 
If you become rich, how far is your reach? 
When you are sick, who do you seek? 
If you become someone else, would that make the world a better place?

Just stop trying to figure out the answers. If it is not happening now, it is not happening. We are being treated with events and events and events. Nothing happened in the “past”, nothing will happen in the “future”, it’s just the present. Or at least that are the things within our reach. Can you change the event that had happened? Can you change the event that is not happening? Think all you like, but the events that are not happening here and now, are not happening. The acceptability of the events in the “past” and “future” is as same as the acceptability of these current arguments. So I posed back the “earlier” questions with “answers”;

When you grown up, would you be groaned up?
Are you actually grown up?
If you become rich, how far is your reach?
Are you actually rich?
When you are sick, who do you seek?
Are you actually sick?
If you become someone else, would that make the world a better place?
Are you actually someone else?

And now we get back to the question;

Are dreams real?

That is for you to judge. For if you think the dreams are real, the questions with “if” and “when” can be treated as relevant. Or you could just simply take drugs. Or are you not on it, yet?
Have you awakened yet? Do you not see now? Why does this relevant to you? Did I ever mention this as relevant? You are the judge. Or you prefer not to be? Is it not good to judge? Is it good to not judge?
Can we act if we not judge?
“Oh! I am seeing someone with huge red boggling eyes with a huge knife running straight for me“
Let us not judge him shall we? Or you might want to reconsider? I think we can act accordingly if we judge accordingly. But nevertheless, sometimes, we need to judge, to act. The other times, we could just be under “influences”. Dreams, delusions, drugs, Devils? Whatever suits your needs?
Where does “if” and “when” comes from? What actually are “if” and “when”?

“If”, when used, begs for the communicator to “create” an event that is not actually happening.

“When”, when used, begs for the communicator to “create” an event that is not actually happening.
When someone questions your believes in dreams, you may want to ask them about their usage of “when” and “if”. A lot of people claimed that dreams are not real. Maybe they’re right, maybe they’re wrong. But if it’s not real, can it affect you and me and all the people that surround the dreamer? For what I can notice, this world are built on dreams of the people from the past (that if they ever existed). How to prove that the past is real? Pictures? Documents? Where are the people? Graves are not people. Skeletons are not people.
Have you ever have those dreams, that when you “woke up”, you never realize that you are still dreaming until you actually woke up? Dreams within dreams. Are you not still dreaming? Didn’t I ask you whether you are awakened yet? Are you awakened now? You can never realize it until you are actually awoken.
Or are you the type that actually realizes that you are dreaming, when you are dreaming? Maybe you are not sure that you are dreaming, but you doubted your “awakeness”. Nevertheless, what are you going to do? How do you judge? Or you prefer not to judge?

Are you afraid? Of what? Your dreams? I have heard somewhere before from someone that claims this world is just an illusion. What do you think? Are dreams not an illusion?

Why are there so many questions in this text? I need answers! Do I? Do you? How to get answers? You don’t have to have proofs to have answers. You only need to believe in yourselves. Or should I rephrase that. You can only believe in yourselves. That is the only possibility existed. Or maybe not. But it sure is practical. And logical. And rational. And totally justified.

And that’s the end of it. Or maybe not. Like I always said, “There is always more”.  And you would ask, “What about our belief and faith in God?”. People always talk about believing in God. What kind of belief are we talking about? Do you believe in the “promises”? Believe in the concept? Believe in the existence? What is the truth? The truth are hitting back at your head with a “bang”! People said God exist. People also said that God doesn’t exist. People also said that God exist but have forsake us. Who to decide which is the truth? Your father told you to believe, so you believe? Your grandfather? Your great grandfather? Are you no better than everybody else? Saying others are wrong and you are right, when you only follow blindly what your father told you to believe?
“Oh, Dear God, Please save me from the punishment that you have judged upon me. I have not known that I was in the wrong. I was just being an obedient son. Following what my father has willed for me, and what had his father willed before him. Cursed be thy father’s father, who has led me in the wrong. “
Do you think that God will accept such a request? What about the mind that he gave us? What about the ability to judge right from wrong? When do we apply that? What about the signs in the earth? In the sky? And wherever in between? And beyond? What about the people that gives you advices? What about the warners? Are you not able to judge?

Maybe you are busy living a life, pushing everyone aside, so you could stride through? Or simply you are just plain lazy, cuddling yourself by the comfort, which are named, “family”? Or you have not the liberty, because of the bondage that you commit? Name it, spouse, finance, deeds and deals. To whatever that you bend down and kneel. Is that within your ideals?

You would dare kneel to other than your God? Your father, your mother, your brethren, the sultans? Pleading allegiance to your country, the nation, the Devil and his legions? What is wrong with us that we cannot see, the truth in which the lies conceal? What is it our soul is worth, the gems, the jewels, all the gold in earth? But only the “paper” that we seek, no shines no glitter, to them we’re weak. Wake up, stand tall, let us rise from our fall, together shall we reveal it all.

To cower in cover, is it wrong, to follow? I do not know, I can’t decide for all. Giving you insights, bringing you the light, but darkness is always on the other side. For what is good and what is bad, are all from God, all that we ever had. Whatever that we had, we should be glad, for everything is in God’s sight. His judgments are just, the plan he devise, to understand with our head, is not suffice. All we can do is hope and pray, for the entire predicament to go away. Or is there another way? Let us all do what me must, and if something not right, we should adjust. God will always be with us, from then and now, till eternity, I trust. 


Sunday, December 9, 2012

Hadith Discussion - Part II

Sahih International
In the name of Allah , the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful.

I have mention before to continue about the discussion of "the discussion of hadith" but I have something better still. I am skipping the part where the Original Poster(OP) brought into the discussion, his friend or acquaintance because I have a more interesting discussion from a batch member of Malay College Kuala Kangsar '04. But before I go into that, I would like to mention that the OP forwarded the previous discussion further to our Batch Facebook(FB) group, where as of now, the post have been seen by 111 people. That reminds me of a surah in Quran;

وَقَالُوا لَن يَدْخُلَ الْجَنَّةَ إِلَّا مَن كَانَ هُودًا أَوْ نَصَارَىٰ ۗ تِلْكَ أَمَانِيُّهُمْ ۗ قُلْ هَاتُوا بُرْهَانَكُمْ إِن كُنتُمْ صَادِقِينَ
Sahih International
And they say, "None will enter Paradise except one who is a Jew or a Christian." That is their wishful thinking, Say, "Produce your proof, if you should be truthful."

Like the Quran said, "Produce your proof, if you should be truthful". That is what I asked all of the people who are having discussions with me. I don't mind having the Christian bringing their bible to debate with me, but I do mind the so called Muslim bringing their hadith because they said that their book of reference and guidance is the Quran, and most of these "Hadithian", said that the hadith is use to back up the Quran. I don't know if the word "Hadithian" existed, but that's what I'm going to call them from now on. You can call me "Quranites" if you wish but bear witness, that I'm a muslim.

So the discussion continues in the Batch's FB group. I'm not going to go into much detail because the discussion in the group did not differ much from the original discussion, with the exception that a lot more people joined in, and there's a few that is enlightened enough to stick to the general rule of discussion. It really seems that the discussion about the hadith and Quran somehow like saying I'm going to proceed with an act of terror. In my most humble opinion, most of the people in the discussion seems to be terrorized. I would really feel like wanting to list down the names of those who are terrorized and those who are enlightened enough, but that would led to another argument that I can't bear to part my concentration to. So let us just stick with the hadith/Quran for now. Like I mentioned before, I won't discuss this matter much further, to let you join into a better, more preferable discussion.

Let it be known to all, that a member of the batch has Private Message(PM) me personally to discuss more on this matter, all praises to Allah. He did not joined the discussion before nor does he read the whole discussion, but he felt intrigued and thus contacted me. He started the conversation with, salam, and ask about my well being. So I naturally responded with a salam and stated that I'm in good health. He then asked about my son, so I told him that my son is in good health too. He then inquire whether I'm busy, or not. So I said, "No, is there anything of interest?". He explained that he need me to give some enlightment about the matter discussed in the batch's FB group discussion. The conversation mostly done in the Malay Language.

He asked whether I reject the hadith, and he apologized for speaking in the Malay Language. Maybe that's because he somehow realized that I prefer to discuss in English. But that's true. I do prefer to discuss in that language because a lot of my references are in English, and it's quite a hassle to switch language mode, enough to distract me.

He continued to explain that the Malay language is better for his understanding. I decided that he is honest and is willing to learn together, not to preach. So I asked him a question for clarification purposes. I wanted to know whether he understand English well, so I asked him just that. He informed me that he is quite well versed in English but he prefer Malay or Arabic references. So I told him that I have already mentioned all in the Batch group discussion with appropriate details, and I asked him whether is there more to that he wish to understand.

He replied that he would read all over again(the batch discussion), and then, shall we resume discussion. But he slid a question for me about the benefit of not taking the hadith. I thought that I can give thousands(not literally) of reasons but I reply with my general status;

  1. I have one God, Allah.
  2. There is no other God, and there is none that is equal.
  3. I have an opinion which is that God sent down knowledge in many ways, by many sources. 
  4. My ongoing research/studies shows that the Quran is God given manual to study all others.
  5. I am still learning and researching.
  6. By using the Quran as the baseline/mainframe, I judge other sources.
And among the other sources that I judge, I give more concern on those that claimed is upholding God, true and virtue. Hadith is one of those source. And others include, the Torah, the Bible, Rig Veda etc. I have made a conclusion that the hadith is biased. And told him that I have to stop the discussion because I have other matters to handle at that particular moment. I told him that he could process the information slowly and pose any question, if he had any. He then give me a reference to a verse in the Quran;

بِالْبَيِّنَاتِ وَالزُّبُرِ ۗ وَأَنزَلْنَا إِلَيْكَ الذِّكْرَ لِتُبَيِّنَ لِلنَّاسِ مَا نُزِّلَ إِلَيْهِمْ وَلَعَلَّهُمْ يَتَفَكَّرُونَ
Sahih International
With clear proofs and written ordinances. And We revealed to you the message that you may make clear to the people what was sent down to them and that they might give thought.

He then asked, "Isn't it clear in the verse that Allah said that the nabi(prophet) is sent to make the Quran clear to us?" I told him that I'll check that out and the discussion end with him saying that he would read the post in the Batch's FB groub with understanding.

The next day, after I have done my homework that he gave me, I greeted him in the same PM. I gave salam. I told him that to answer the question he posed before, he need to first refer to the previous ayah(verse);

وَمَا أَرْسَلْنَا مِن قَبْلِكَ إِلَّا رِجَالًا نُّوحِي إِلَيْهِمْ ۚ فَاسْأَلُوا أَهْلَ الذِّكْرِ إِن كُنتُمْ لَا تَعْلَمُونَ
Sahih International
And We sent not before you except men to whom We revealed [Our message]. So ask the people of the message if you do not know.

I gave him those verse as it shows the context of who are involve in the verses that he quoted. I told him to point out in the verse about the whereabouts of the word/words that point out the nabi/rasul(messenger). The word that was actually used is "إِلَّا رِجَالً", which is "except men". I also told him to correct me if I'm wrong because I don't converse in Arabic. This is one of the reason why did I not use the Malay tafseer. They actually put the word "nabi" even though it's not there. I told him that the Malay tafseer contains many verses that is commented from the context of Malay traditionalist and not from the actual Quranic contexts. So I proceed on telling him the actual meaning of the verse. I told him about the two key subject in the verse which refer to "people that is enlightened" and "people who remember". Thus, anybody who fits the criteria are those who are refered in the verses. And to proceed with the posed verse(16:44), I give to him the verse in proper context. I explained to him that the verse invites the people who doesn't know to learn from those who does know. The verse also asked for the learned to tend to those unlearned so that the unlearned can make a good judgement of the knowledge(decide for themselves). 

I asked him whether he understands my references and explanations and to correct me if I got any part wrong. For that is what god intended according to the above verses. I continued by explaining to him that everybody have some knowledge that the others don't. God wants us to teach and learn amongst ourselves. But in addition, we have to provide proofs to be considered. I have an understanding based from my learning and experiences that the Quran is a "Living Miracle", literally. If we communicate right with the Quran, it communicates back to us. Even it is the Quran that teaches me to learn and teaches. I asked him whether that was a good thing. If he got any problems or questions or detected any deficiencies from me, I'm willing to consider it, with God permission. Before I end my explanations, I give him verses to consider;

يَا أَيُّهَا النَّاسُ كُلُوا مِمَّا فِي الْأَرْضِ حَلَالًا طَيِّبًا وَلَا تَتَّبِعُوا خُطُوَاتِ الشَّيْطَانِ ۚ إِنَّهُ لَكُمْ عَدُوٌّ مُّبِينٌ
Sahih International
O mankind, eat from whatever is on earth lawful and good and do not follow the footsteps of Satan. Indeed, he is to you a clear enemy.

إِنَّمَا يَأْمُرُكُم بِالسُّوءِ وَالْفَحْشَاءِ وَأَن تَقُولُوا عَلَى اللَّهِ مَا لَا تَعْلَمُونَ
Sahih International
He only orders you to evil and immorality and to say about Allah what you do not know.

وَإِذَا قِيلَ لَهُمُ اتَّبِعُوا مَا أَنزَلَ اللَّهُ قَالُوا بَلْ نَتَّبِعُ مَا أَلْفَيْنَا عَلَيْهِ آبَاءَنَا ۗ أَوَلَوْ كَانَ آبَاؤُهُمْ لَا يَعْقِلُونَ شَيْئًا وَلَا يَهْتَدُونَ
Sahih International
And when it is said to them, "Follow what Allah has revealed," they say, "Rather, we will follow that which we found our fathers doing." Even though their fathers understood nothing, nor were they guided?

وَمَثَلُ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا كَمَثَلِ الَّذِي يَنْعِقُ بِمَا لَا يَسْمَعُ إِلَّا دُعَاءً وَنِدَاءً ۚ صُمٌّ بُكْمٌ عُمْيٌ فَهُمْ لَا يَعْقِلُونَ
Sahih International
The example of those who disbelieve is like that of one who shouts at what hears nothing but calls and cries cattle or sheep - deaf, dumb and blind, so they do not understand.

I told him that by referring to the first given verse, the verses literally is referring to all mankind and I asked him to give extra attention to the last two verses(170-171). I asked him to relate that two verses with the majority of the Malays in our society. I ended my part of discussion with a salam.

He then replied with his explanation on how the nabi is put into context of the previous verses(16:43-44). From the understanding of the Arabic languages, "قَبْلِكَ" is referring to Muhammad himself. Certain verses are appointed to the nabi. So to look for the actual "nabi" word directly is not applicable. So I asked him to give me more detail on the subject at hand. But he asked me on how do I give understanding of the verses. He asked whether this "you" in the verses refers to us. So I said unto him, that the "you" in the verses refers to the readers of the text, if there are in no circumstances that there are any direct contexts referring to the nabi. I also explained that if there were any contexts that refer to specific people in the Quran, the context is made clear in the Quran itself. So I quoted part of the verse again, "with clear proofs and written ordinances". So I questioned him further, that if any people that talks or claims with blurred evidence, it is obvious that their reference is not the Quran, if he may so agree. He then posed a question on where do I got the idea that the verse is for the reader and not Muhammad. I asked him back, "Who is the "people"?, referencing to the verse below;

شَهْرُ رَمَضَانَ الَّذِي أُنزِلَ فِيهِ الْقُرْآنُ هُدًى لِّلنَّاسِ وَبَيِّنَاتٍ مِّنَ الْهُدَىٰ وَالْفُرْقَانِ ۚ فَمَن شَهِدَ مِنكُمُ الشَّهْرَ فَلْيَصُمْهُ ۖ وَمَن كَانَ مَرِيضًا أَوْ عَلَىٰ سَفَرٍ فَعِدَّةٌ مِّنْ أَيَّامٍ أُخَرَ ۗ يُرِيدُ اللَّهُ بِكُمُ الْيُسْرَ وَلَا يُرِيدُ بِكُمُ الْعُسْرَ وَلِتُكْمِلُوا الْعِدَّةَ وَلِتُكَبِّرُوا اللَّهَ عَلَىٰ مَا هَدَاكُمْ وَلَعَلَّكُمْ تَشْكُرُونَ
Sahih International
The month of Ramadhan [is that] in which was revealed the Qur'an, a guidance for the people and clear proofs of guidance and criterion. So whoever sights [the new moon of] the month, let him fast it; and whoever is ill or on a journey - then an equal number of other days. Allah intends for you ease and does not intend for you hardship and [wants] for you to complete the period and to glorify Allah for that [to] which He has guided you; and perhaps you will be grateful.

He said that it is true that the verse talks about mankind, but the context in in the previous verse discussed is referring to Muhammad. So I posed him another questions;

  1. Is it not the the 43rd verse of an-nahl is part of Quran?
  2. From which context in the Quran that he derived that the verse is referring to Muhammad?

I emphasized to him that I have already given the context of the verses. He answered me by asking a question, that if I said that the Quran is sent down for us all, is there any verses that is appointed solely for Muhammad? So I answered him by telling him that any verses that explicitly mention him by name or context. And I asked him, whether is it not Muhammad is a human(people)? What ever he got, we should got it too. And I explained to him that in this particular context, is the true knowledge. I told him further that even he can see the clear proof. I repeated what I said before on the Quran being the baseline, mainframe, and guide.  I continue by adding that if the Quran mentioned on something being true, it's true, and if what is mention is being false is false. I asked him whether he has considered the verses(2:170-171) that I referred to him. He claimed that he has and he gave me a "smiley". I told him that if people is referring from other than the Quran, there will be discrepancies. He told me that he never before engaged in situation such as this, so he seek permission for me to grant him some time for him to seek the answer to my questions. For sure that I am "OK" with that. He seems so nice and he asked nicely. He displayed a certain amount of respect for me, so with certainties that I should do the same, or more. All praises to Allah.

Before I ended the discussion, I gave him a verses from the Quran to be considered;

أَفَلَا يَتَدَبَّرُونَ الْقُرْآنَ ۚ وَلَوْ كَانَ مِنْ عِندِ غَيْرِ اللَّهِ لَوَجَدُوا فِيهِ اخْتِلَافًا كَثِيرًا
Sahih International
Then do they not reflect upon the Qur'an? If it had been from other than Allah , they would have found within it much contradiction.

He agreed to consider it, and the discussion end with salam(peace).

This is the kind of discussion that I most wish for, and God has granted it to me. I hope all my V04 brothers and the rest of the Islamic community can consider the Quran with care, as that what Allah asks us to do. The discussion will continue, with Allah wills and permission. Salam.

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